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Can I use Siri voice commands with the iOS app?

We are very happy to announce that Siri voice commands work in conjunction with the latest version of the iOS app

First, activate Siri by saying, "Hey Siri," or by using a custom command you have set up on your iOS device. Then you can try the following commands:

Open Libro FM
Open Libro dot FM
Open Libro
These commands will open the app on your iOS device.
Play [audiobook name]
Play my audiobook [audiobook name]
These commands will open the designated audiobook. The audiobook will begin to play at your most recent listening position.
Play my audiobook
Play an audiobook
These commands will open the audiobook you've most recently accessed. The audiobook will begin to play at your most recent listening position.
PauseThis command will pause your audiobook at the current listening position.
Skip forward
Your audiobook will skip forward by 15 seconds, or the custom time you've selected in your app settings.
Skip forward [time]
Your audiobook will skip forward by the designated number of seconds or minutes.
Skip backward
Skip back
Your audiobook will skip backward by 15 seconds, or the custom time you've selected in your app settings.
Skip backward [time]
Your audiobook will skip backward by the designated number of seconds or minutes.

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PrevHow do I navigate to an earlier track in my audiobook or start from the beginning?