There are several ways to link to a specific product.
Once registered as an affiliate, you can create commissionable links directly from When you're signed in, just visit the audiobook’s page to copy the link from the details section. Sharing directly from the page automatically adds affiliate tracking to your link so you can earn commission. You’ll also find the tool on our gift, credit, and bestseller pages, as well as all playlists.
To link to other pages on, you may want to use the Awin Chome plugin, MyAwin. With the plugin installed, open the web page of the product you wish to link to, open the plugin, and this will generate a personalized affiliate link with your publisher ID ready to be added to your website.
You can also use the deep link generator within the Awin interface to generate deep links for a specific product. Copy and paste the link for the product you wish to use into the generator, select as the advertiser, and the affiliate link will be generated for you.