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How do I select my favorite independent bookshop?

Choosing a bookshop when you create your account

When you create your account, you’ll be prompted to select your preferred independent bookshop from a searchable dropdown:

If you are unable to find your bookshop, our team will be happy to reach out to them directly about partnering with! Please contact our Customer Support team and share the name of the bookshop you're interested in supporting.

Changing your bookshop after you've created your account

If you have an existing account and you would like to change the independent bookshop you are supporting, please visit

From there, you will be able to use our searchable map to find the bookshop you'd like to support. Simply click on the bookshop name, and click the green "Choose Bookshop" button. 

If you are unable to find your bookshop, our team will be happy to reach out to them directly about partnering with! Please contact our Customer Support team and share the name of the bookshop you're interested in supporting.

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